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Raymond E. Nicol, Attorney and Counselor at Law

Bringing Law to the people

Find out how we can fight for you

The legal system can intimidate and overwhelm anyone – we're here to help find the answers and create the solutions you need. Don't let yourself get buried in details. Contact us instead.

Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm, evening and other hours by appointment

Free initial 1/2 hr consult.  Payment plans avail.  VISA/MC

We have experienced attorneys working day in and day out assisting our clients. Find out how we can help you with your legal problem.

NICOL LAW, PLLC                                   email:

2487 S Michigan Rd, P.O. Box 84            tel:  517-663-7909

Eaton Rapids, MI  48827-0084                 fax:  517-663-7409